Fiction Adventure
HAIL MARY PASS: Episode 1 of the Time Patriot Series

HAIL MARY PASS: Episode 1 of the Time Patriot Series

A Hail Mary Pass — that's what the President of the United States called it.

What are the chances Marc McKnight's time travel team can convince George Washington to leave 1787 and talk to the American People in 2037?

A bloody civil war is imminent in the United States. Political parties and the media are hopelessly divided and fanning the embers of war. The geopolitical enemies of the United States see weakness and move to capitalize on it.

Everything hinges on the hope that the American People will listen to what Washington has to say.  That is… if McKnight can convince him to come to the year 2037. 

HAIL MARY PASS is Episode 1 of The Time Patriot, the new time travel adventure series from Kim Megahee.

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STRANGER: Episode 2 of the Time Patriot Series

STRANGER: Episode 2 of the Time Patriot Series

Safely arrived in the year 2037, General George Washington is a ‘stranger in a strange land’.

Settling in at his historic home at Mount Vernon, he finds himself in a world where his vision for America is crumbling before his eyes.
President Harrison has asked Washington to speak to the American People about how the Founding Fathers intended the US government to operate.

Charged with protecting General Washington, Marc McKnight and his team of time travel experts must address threats from multiple directions. Career politicians and the corporate media plot to stop Washington from upsetting the status quo. International adversaries believe Washington’s death would prevent the ratification of the US Constitution in 1787 and cut off America's ascension to superpower status before it starts.

This mission is Marc McKnight’s biggest challenge. He must protect Washington and ensure that he returns to 1787 to attend the Constitutional Congress in Philadelphia.

STRANGER is episode TWO of The Time Patriot, the new Marc McKnight Adventures series by Kim Megahee.

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POLITICS: Episode 3 of the Time Patriot Series

POLITICS: Episode 3 of the Time Patriot Series

If George Washington were alive today, what would he think about the politics of the 21st century?

In this continuing story set in the year 2037, President Harrison has asked General George Washington to speak to the American People about the vision the Founding Fathers had for America.

The Deep State is desperate to discredit Washington, but he isn’t afraid to speak truth and wants to go head-to-head with the Corporate Media.

Foreign powers continue their plans to prevent Washington from returning to 1787 and chairing the Constitutional Congress in Philadelphia.

Marc McKnight and his time travel team continue to investigate how pre-World War II Nazis obtained time travel capability and how to take it from them.

Time is running out for McKnight and his team to eliminate the threats and return Washington safely to his own time.

POLITICS is Episode 3 of The Time Patriot, the new Marc McKnight Adventure series by Kim Megahee.

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SURVIVAL: Episode 4 of the Time Patriot Series

SURVIVAL: Episode 4 of the Time Patriot Series

Can George Washington survive 2037 to return to his destiny in 1787?

While General George Washington prepares to speak to the American people in the year 2037, China, Russia, and Iran test America’s stretched resources by advancing on multiple fronts.

While President Harrison works to avert World War III, the FBI and McKnight’s time travel team close in on Islamic terrorists and modern-day Nazis who share a common goal—the death of General Washington.

The FBI raids the Islamic terrorists’ hideout, but one man escapes… the only one who can still carry out their plan.

If McKnight and his team eliminate these threats and time-jump Washington back to 1787, they have one last threat—a sleeper assassin committed to preventing Washington from reaching the Constitutional Convention alive.

SURVIVAL is episode 4 and the conclusion of The Time Patriot series..

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In 2035, Army Ranger Captain Marc McKnight uses a limited capability time engine to travel to 1985 to investigate a corporate executive’s murder in an Atlanta office tower.

What could go wrong? Not much… just a chance meeting with a smart, beautiful, full-of-life woman at exactly the wrong time.

If you liked “Timecop” and "Somewhere In Time,” you’ll love TIME LIMITS!

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