FAQ for Kim Megahee

Why do you write?

I always thought it would be cool to be an author, but I didn’t know what to do. I have a better answer since I’ve been doing it for a while. A lady approached me in my doctor’s office (of all places) and told me she loved my books and when was the next one coming out? My feet didn’t touch the ground for the rest of the day. That’s why I write… for that feeling. 

Most often asked question - In what order should I read Kim's books?

The Time Patriot Series is a single story told in four episodes. After the first episode, there is no “catching up” on what you missed. These books should be read in order. The order is as follows:

Episode 1: Hail Mary Pass, Episode 2: Stranger, Episode 3: Politics, then Episode 4: Survival

The Marc McKnight Time Travel Adventure Series are four stand-alone books that need no preface to enjoy the book. However, if you’d like to read them in chronological sequence, then read them in this order:

Time Limits, The Time Twisters, Time Revolution, then Time Plague

What's your favorite thing about your life?

Easy question – my wife Martha. She’s beautiful inward and outward. She’s a very strong-willed person, and I think some guys are intimidated by that strength. Not me. If you’re going to have a life partner, why not pick the best one you can find? Of course, we do occasionally crash into each other, but it’s all good—still the best thing I have ever experienced. She’s my soulmate (I hope you’ll forgive me if that’s a bit mushy). 

Are there any real historical events featured in the books?

The Marc McKnight Time Travel Adventure stories all cover fictional events. However, the Time Patriot Series includes much information about George Washington’s life in the 1787 winter, just before the Constitutional Convention in late spring.

Where can I purchase these novels?

The novels are available at major online bookstores and on this website’s ‘Kim’s Books’ page.

What weighs most heavily on your mind right now?

In October 2022, I lost my youngest child, my daughter Megan, to heart failure. She was only 35. We were kindred spirits in many ways—both writers, both musically inclined, and both soccer nuts. She wrote a lot, and I plan to publish her books that she didn’t get around to publishing. 

What do you do for entertainment?

Martha and I love to play pickleball whenever we can.

I play bass in a classic rock band with some talented friends. We’re capable of four-part harmonies when necessary, and it’s a lot of fun. 

I love to listen to podcasts while driving, walking, or working around the house. 

We love to binge on Spectrum cable series. Our current favorite is ARROW, but I like anything sci-fi.

I like time travel stories, like “Somewhere in Time” and “Timecop.”

I like action thrillers, but Martha (and her whole family) faint when they see blood, so we don’t watch those together. 

Did I miss your question? If so, click the button below to send me a question you’d like to have answered. Until then, Cheers!


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